Saturday, June 27, 2009


From a devotional I was reading today: " 2 Peter 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise: and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.
There is a day coming when this earth will burn and those of us in Christ will be safe with Him. For those not in Christ, they will spend eternity forever separated from Him in a terrible place called Hell."
In this past week 3 celebrities have passed away. One of whom was completely unexpected. My immediate thought when I heard about Michael Jackson was that he's probably now in hell. How many more do we see everyday who face the same eternity? What are we doing to bring them to Christ? We go to church every Sunday, worship, sing songs but then what do we do? How are we (how am I) reaching out to others that are lost? There's a world out there dying to know Jesus.
Lord, here am I. Use me!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Praise God from whom all blessings flow

My Blessings!!!
1: Friday night I started my vacation!!! A week of relaxing. I only have minimal plans and the rest of the time I'll take the moments as they come.
2: This past weekend my family had a surprise 50th birthday party for me. Praise you God, for such a family. Gary and the kids had a quilt made for me that is just beautiful.
3. I survived Darien Lake amusement park. On Sunday Kels, Rachael, Tim and I spent the day there. My wonderful daughter in law believes that when you ride roller coaster you have to ride the front seat. Kels and I sat behind her in the second row. What a rush!!! I prayed alot as we went up the hills and screamed even more as we came down the hills.

Dear Father, You have blessed me with many, many things. I thank you for Jesus. Thank you for saving me. Thank you for my family. Thank you for a chance to refresh this week physically, emotionally and spiritually.
May my life this week please you
In Jesus Name

Monday, June 15, 2009


My thoughts for this blog had been that it wasn't going to be about my everyday life. That it was going to only be about my walk as a Christian. But, tonight my heart is heavy. My 18 yr old has just graduated from high school and she has no direction.
But my sadness for her is not really all about that. Kelsey is still a child in so many ways. And she's deeply afraid. And along with all of that she really needs Jesus. At 5 she asked Him into her heart but now she needs to KNOW Him.
Please pray for her. Please pray for Gary & I that we have the wisdom needed to help her.