Saturday, November 1, 2008

Perfect love casts out fear

My husband, Gary, and I have been married for 26 years. During our entire married life I've always been afraid of his being angry with me. Mostly because I was afraid he'd leave me or not want me anymore. I've also realized that it comes from my insecurity with my father's love. The fear of Gary has diminished some. Last week a thought came to me about that. How I'm still a bit afraid of telling him something that would make him angry. But I'm not afraid of telling God anything. I can talk to God and say whatever I want and He'll never turn away.

I've been reading a book by Larry Crabb called "The Papa Prayer." PAPA stands for Presenting yourself to God (authentically, being real) Attend to how you are thinking of God (how you picture Him) Purge yourself of your relational faults (getting rid of your interests ahead of His and anything else that blocks intimacy with Him) Approach God just as you are. (tuning in to your passion to know Him and to honor Him above all others.) This is Dr. Crabb's formula for a relational prayer life.

God is now my Papa. I know I can come before Him with anything and He'll still love me. I used to think of Him as being angry with me. But again, He loves me. I want to know Him more. And I can, because He loves me.
"...Perfect love casts our fear." 1 John 4:18

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