Tuesday, May 5, 2009

God's lovingkindness

Lovingkindness. This word kind of jumped out at me this morning as I was reading Psalms 40. Do I know what it is? Can I give it a definition? Sometimes I think I've been a Christian for so long that I take these truths for granted.
So, to my few readers (and thank you for reading this meager blog) would you please share with me your definition of God's lovingkindness.


Paul Cobb said...

Through a saving faith in Jesus Christ we have been granted undeserved mercy from Heavenly Father.
Psalms 59:16
"But I will sing of Your strength, in the morning I will sing of Your love, for You are my fortress,
my refuge in times of trouble."
God's "loving kindness" is like a "fortress" to me.
I can always count on His help in every area of my life.
Where would be without God's mercy and loving kindness.
Thank you Jesus for redeeming and restoring us to the Heavenly Father.
Thank you Holy Spirit for leading us to truth.

Kim said...

I did a paper on Psalm 86 last semester and did some research on this very word. According to the Wesleyan Bible Commentary, the word "lovingkindness" or the phrase "steadfast love" comes from the Hebrew word chasid. To the ancient Hebrews it was a word associated with their covenant relationship with God. It identifies God as a covenant God who by His very nature is loyal and faithful.

I think of the cloud that led the children of Israel out of Egypt and through the wilderness. It was their provision, their protection, their light....it was their everything. Without that cloud they would have never survived. That is how it is between God and His children. Once you have a relationship with Him he will be your everything, because by His very nature He is loyal and faithful.

Robin said...

Paul & Kim,
THANKS!!! I love both of these definitions. I've thought about the word throughout the day and what comes to mind for me is that despite who I am & what I've done He loves me. He's forgiven me and forgotten my past.