Wednesday, November 19, 2008


At our Sunday school class the other day the question was asked; are you anxious, angry (and there was a 3rd thing but I can't remember it) everyday. And I thought, yep, at least 2 out of 3. With the being anxious I just try to remember Phil. 4:6. Though I admit I'm not always successful at it. But the anger is something different. It sneaks up on me. I don't think I'm angry about something and then I examine what I'm feeling and realize that I'm angry. Some of it is from past situations that I'm trying to put behind me. But some of it has to do with just the present. My oldest son is the youth leader in our church. One evening I was sitting in a church meeting thinking about him and what I think is his lack of concern for his position. And then it came to me; I actually was angry at him. For various reasons. And I prayed that God would forgive me for that and my attitude. I felt God speak to my heart that it was okay. He forgave me and that it was going to be a process for He and I to work through.
I praise Him for this. He is such a God of love and compassion. And also my Father who disciplines me. And if you think He didn't discipline me about my anger, you need to think again. It breaks my heart to disappoint my Father. And it makes me want to be better. Just to please Him.
So, as I continue to walk with Him, it's good to know that as my Father who loves me, He disciplines me and does so with that love.
Those whom I love I reprove and discipline......Revelations 3:19

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