Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Being known

(Though I'm just writing God, I'm including Christ in this as well. One word for both Beings. I'm not sure about the Holy Spirit yet. Because even though they are one, relationally, I'm not sure how to wrap my brain around how to address Him in this writing.)
In the last few months God has placed either articles, conversations or books in front of me that speak of His love and a relationship with Him. And though I've been a Christian for over 35 yrs I haven't had a clear relationship with Him. It's been more about a saviour and being saved and less about being a daughter to the King. And though I've prayed to God as Father and sought His face and wanted to do His will and to please Him I realize that I haven't really known God. What I'm discovering is this truly personal Father (Saviour and Brother) who loves me. And it's amazing. In my pastor's sermon on Sunday and today in a message I heard from Chuck Swindoll, they both spoke on being about to go to God in prayer, boldly and privileged. How it's my right as a daughter to be able to do this. I was taught this growing up but it just never really hit home until now.
[My words are woefully inadequate in describing how this is impacting me.]
Being known is frightening. A psychologist I've been seeing gave me an article today. And while reading it I realize that as much as I want to be known it's scary. It creates a vulnerability.
And I thought about God's love, how huge it is, how He already knows me, how He always has. And I feel His arms holding me.


Brian said...

Amen! Robin it is so good that you are learning more about what God believes about you, He does love you and he has adopted you as His daughter. Remember the first teaching in the series of a disciplined life about keeping your thoughts obedient to Christ. This blog shows that you are doing that.

Robin said...

Thanks Brian!!! It's good to hear from you. I hope you are feeling better. I missed you on Sunday.

Kim said...

Wow. Amazing. Not sure what to say here, but I relate to what you have said so much! Being known...really known..is scary.

I highly recommend reading the Psalms, not just as poetry, but from the perspective of David and how he related to God. It's amazing and will change how you pray!

Love you!

Robin said...

Thanks Kim. I actually am reading them as my devotions.

Paul Cobb said...

"I thought about God's love,
how huge it is,
how He already knows me,
how He always has.
And I feel His arms holding me."

It is wonderful to read your blog
and see how God is leading you on your Faithwalk for Him.

You are surely experiencing a closer walk with your Lord.

God can use any vulnerabilities you may encountered along the way,
for His glory.

Cling to His word
and any confusion or obstacles
in your path will melt away.

His arms...
are surely holding on to you
as you journey on for Him.

Keep your own arms
wrapped around Him...
through being in His word
and seeking Him in prayer.