Sunday, August 16, 2009

"Oh, I'm a failure!"

(In case you don't recognize the quote, it's from the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz)

I have to confess that the previous blog and the frustration I mentioned comes out of a feeling of personal failure. The Sunday School class that I know God has directed me to teach is not doing well. There is usually only about 3 others there. And I question, "what am I doing wrong?" I know that what is personal failure to me doesn't matter as long as I'm doing what the Lord asks of me. Still, it does bother me alot!!!
So, to any I've offended with what I wrote I apologize for the offense. In my opinion, Sunday School and church should be priorities in Christian's lives. But, you have to do what God is directing you to do. Just pray to see what His will is in regards to Sunday school and church.


Brian said...

I am sorry that you feel so sad about your ministry to others. I have also been frustrated for several months. I will be praying for you, because I know how much it hurts. Pray for wisdom and direction and do not feel that it is something you have done wrong. I have been ministering to groups of people for a long time, and we go through seasons of successes and times we feel like we failed. In those valleys of defeat is where God is preparing you and giving you strength as you lean on Him. He is preparing you to climb the next mountain. We have to remember it is Him who does the work in people. He will accomplish what the Word was sent out for. It may be that those few students who are coming may have their lives changed in a significant way by what they are learning. They are hungering and thirsting for righteousness, Christ says Go and feed my lambs.

Robin said...

Thank you Brian!!!

Brian said...

Hi Robin, It seems that this summer has been tough for those involved in ministries, but along with the new season of fall approaching, I have noticed as I have been reading the blogs I have been following, there appears to be newness also in ministries. It is time for a new season, and God will lead His sheep. We need to be ready to give a reason for our hope both in season and out of season. Thank you for being one of those who remains faithful even during times of discouragement. We will reap a harvest of righteousness in due season, if we do not give up. We are not failures, God is still at work in us to both to will and to work for His good pleasure. Continue and press forward to complete the work He has placed in your heart to do. See you tomorrow.